Sergei Stolyarov
Igor Vladimirov
Павел Луспекаев
Михаил Глузский
Сергей Голованов
Gorelov, inzhener-mekhanik
Пётр Соболевский
Druzhinin, assistant commander
ვახტანგ ნინუა
Arsen Davidovich Lordkipanidze, professor, ichthyologist
Sergey Komarov
Andrey Nikolaevich, professor, oceanologist
Антонина Максимова
Olga Ivanovna Bystrykh, doctor of the Pioneer submarine
Леонид Пирогов
Ivan Nikolayevich Bystrykh, father of Olga Bystrykh
Troady Dobrotvorsky
Vasily Ivanovich Bazov, Colonel of State Security
Павел Луспекаев
Kartsev, senior lieutenant of state security
Ирина Прейс
Sidorina, administrator of the Intourist hotel in Riga
Igor Bristol
Pavlik, son of the captain of the ship "Arktika"